Monday 4 June 2012

shake away my wintery blues

My alarm goes off a 7:00am on a tuesday.
I wake up in a panic, getting angry with myself because College isn't on this week, I could have slept in longer if i had remembered to turn off my alarm!
7:20am I give up trying to sleep because the voices of my family are echoing down the hallway. They're playing with Bella. I dislike them for keeping me awake by their constant need to get attention from the dog.
I am still in bed now, its 7:40am. I don't need to be up until 9:00am, I have a job trial at 12:00 today. but before all that, i will have to do some chores of getting ready.
1. brush teeth
2. Do make-up and hair
3. decide what looks appropriate for the job and get dressed up
4. get my stuff
5. leave the house
I don't like routine so much, sometimes i wish i could do it all backwards, leave the house, get my stuff, get dressed up, do my hair and make-up then brush my teeth. It would be interesting, but it wouldn't work. None of my day dreams ever seem possible.
Its now 7:54am and I had to get out of bed because Liam lost Bella outside. She was found outside my bedroom on the grass. Im not surprised though, all that attention she gets would make anyone want to run away.
My attitude is getting on my nerves, I need to be happy and polite in order to get this job today.
I shall shake away this bad mood by dancing to the jazz tunes i have on my iPod, Jazz music always does the trick, jazz, tea and dancing.