Saturday 12 May 2012

My feet are not made for dancing

Today was such a fascinating day! My family and I (minus my little brother, as it is impossible to leave his gaming word for even a small extent of the day) went to see a family friends band play in Eumundi. I love Eumundi on a Saturday, its so full of life and a fun energy is constantly buzzing from the markets stalls that the town hosts every week. I love markets, i love the idea of people selling things that are so unique and special, it really inspires me. The crafts and jewellery that are hand made feels as thought the crafter has spilled all their entire creative essence and life experiences out onto their little pieces of magic, and to buy it is to buy a little part of their soul. Its such a wonderful thing. However, we arrived a little too late to enjoy the markets, i was still able to buy some strawberry incense from a stand i walked by who i secretly think stayed opened that little longer because she knew i would want to buy their sweet smelling sticks. The band we went to see played a lot of Johnny Cash and Bob Marley covers, i personally have a soft spot for both of these beautiful musicians, and oddly enough, a brightly dressed drunken man shared this passion with me. As they played, he emerged from his seat and danced, the music was being lived through him, with his whole body stomping and clapping to the beat, as if his body was held hostage unless he let go of himself entirely. This of course encouraged other people to join in with the madness. A lady i had never met saw the happiness of everyone dancing spread across my face and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. I, being me, felt so awkward that my body froze and i immediately envied the man who's body took control of him, where as I was controlled by my mind, and my mind alone. I went back to my seat soon after and continued to be an onlooker to all the people loosing themselves in the tunes. I don't mind being an onlooker in situations like this, i never have been one to crave attention and i am a sad excuse of a dancer unless the lights are off and no one can see my body move so ungracefully. Afterward, my brother convinced me to try coffee for the first time, he sat me down and brought over a skinny flat white. I was a little nervous because i had always been such a big tea drinker and i felt to drink coffee would be to betray the strong friendship i had developed with tea. I had always had sips of mums take-away coffees that she bought when shopping, but i had never had one to call my own. It was such a buzz, my tongue felt so unfamiliar, nothing like i had ever experience, almost like a layer of numbness had rushed over it in a liquid spill and my tongue absorbing ever last drop of caffeine from my cup. My body is still being filled with such a strange energy hours later. I think that i will invite coffee into my life more often! Its days like today that i live for.