Thursday 17 May 2012

Come with me my love, to the sea, the sea of love.

Everything is falling into place oh so wonderfully. I have spent most of this week in meetings about changing my college course, which is so good, everyone I've spoken to have been so supportive so far and its so encouraging. Im so excited, just thinking about it spreads a huge smile across my face! I only have one more assignment, and two exams left and then I'm off to New Zealand with my wonderful family again. I love New Zealand! Its so beautiful, the air is so crisp and fresh that i always find myself taking in the deepest of breaths to fill my lungs with the air, so my insides match all the magnificent surroundings. We are spending it skiing, I'm not very good but i enjoy it nonetheless. I think that every country i go to, i will save a coin and make it into a charm bracelet, it sounds silly, and probably illegal, but i think it would be great. Wearing it around every day and having a constant reminder of all the places I've been, people I've met and memories I've mad. But for now, my eyes are getting heavy and begging for sleep, hopefully my head will be filled with dreams of my many adventures awaiting me.