Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Velo Project

I had such a mixed day yesterday, it was filled with both good and bad emotions, hopefully thinking back on this day i will only remember the good times and not the bad.
I went to College to hang out with Daniee, Yoel and Lachlan. We were all sitting at our secret spot in the library, with Daniee and Lachlan on a couch and Yoel and I sitting on silver beanbags which make us feel like I'm were on a space mission of some sort. However, we were all kind of falling asleep and quiet, but i don't mind quiet when I'm ill. The highlight of being at College today was when Lachlan was drawing on Daniee while she napped, it was all strange shapes but she didn't feel it which made it all that much funner. I also went to buy hot some chips because they always do wonders on a sore throat. Then Brooke, Lachlans girlfriend, came to visit us and we all decided to do something instead of going to our lectures, so off we went to the shops. However, no good films were showing at the cinema so we decided to go to the beach instead. We went to a cafe' called The Good Bean along the beach, Lachlan was the only one to get something there because I was still feeling pretty ill from my cold, although I was pretty drugged up on medication so it wasn't too bad. Then we went to look at the ocean, the ground was all muddy so we couldn't sit, and it looked as though it was going to rain again but we didn't want to end our adventure just yet so we decided it would be fun to go to this cafe' called, The Velo Project, and oh it was probably the best decision we had ever made! It was the cutest cafe ever! (I will attach photos of the cafe' because my words won't do it justice) Lachlan and Brooke got drinks and Yoel, Daniee and I all drank water because we all are very poor uni students. Anyway, the cafe just played such relaxing music and everything was just oh so wonderful! Then we all went our separate ways, all a little high on life and deep in thoughts. I went home and collapsed into my bed, but i couldn't get out of it because i suddenly lost all my energy. I was also feeling very ill in my stomach all of a sudden and i ended up having a stomach bug and was up most of the night vomiting. It made me think about those people that actually force themselves to vomit for the purpose of loosing weight... Honestly?  I never know when a safe time to eat is after I've been sick so I think ill try some tea later on.
Today i don't have any cravings besides resting in bed with my puppy dog Sydney watching NZ next top model.

Brookes hand while we tells a story 

My beautiful friends walking 

An Underwood Typewriter at The Velo Project

The Velo Project

Brooke, love and photographs

even the water bottle was darling

Such inspiration to grow some amazing flowers 

Brooke walking around the cafe looking for ideas for her cafe she will open when she's older, She is one to watch out for.