Thursday 26 April 2012

Dear diary,

Today is cold and cloudy. Besides making a homemade pizza and retrieving endless cups of tea i didn't leave my bed. Instead I just watched films and listened to music. I wonder if it is considered a waste of time, watching movie when i could be doing college work? I do have a lot of college work that needs to be done by monday but i just can't see the point in it. I really am a sad excuse of a student. Although something productive i did do today was 'temporarily deactivate' my Facebook account. After deleting all those people i hardly knew, my newsfeed was dead for hours and i didn't see the point in having it. I will probably reactivate it by this time next week. oh well.

Monday 23 April 2012

The summer departed way too soon

At the end of last year, instead of going to the Gold Coast for schoolies a lovely group of friends and I went to Rainbow Beach to celebrate finishing school. It sounds really lame but it was worth it. A week without worry, the beach, amazing food and brilliant company is more than I could have ever wanted. I did manage to get some photos developed from my disposable camera as well, i know they're not anything great but hey, to me film isn't about it being great. Its more about the feeling you get when you look at the photos for the first time. The flood of memories come rushing back, along with the feelings of joy.

Our last meal together before facing reality once more.

The ocean on a peaceful day.

My beautiful friends on one of our adventures.

I rode my bicycle past your window last night.

 The view from our apartment and Lauren.

A beautiful spot we spent the day under the sun and beside the sea.

Sunday 22 April 2012

first post

Let's get this awkward introduction over with shall we. I go to university, I'm actually studying a bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) It's pretty good for the most part, but i hate the assignments, and recently i keep getting this huge urge to drop out because its all too much. I feel like I'm living my life all wrong. My family is so structured traditionally it annoys me, they live by routine, sort of ridged. I don't want to live that way, instead i want to have children then get married so they can be apart of the wedding, I want to bring them up differently so they see the world and all the beauty it has to offer, not get caught up in the drama. i want to go and study make-up artistry or maybe photography and go to an art school in England where they think that everything i come up with is wonderful. I have such a strong hunger to travel. And i feel it bubbling up inside of me a lot recently. I want to see Indian and the pyramids, a whale and that race with all the bicycles in France. I want to travel across Europe with Sarah. I don't exactly fit in, i'm far too shy for my own good. Im the girl who texts at parties in the corner and leaves within the hour, while everyone else is getting high and killing brain cells. Im not exactly close to many people anymore. I have a couple of good friends, but i would still love to move somewhere where no body knew my name, maybe the UK or something, where i work in a cute cafe and serve people nice cakes and tea. And in my spare time ride my bicycle around exploring with my camera. Don't get me wrong, I love where i live, the hills are forever flowing and its so peaceful, i live on property so i have many animals and i like to go and sit with the cows in their paddock and just watch them eat grass and communicate without words. Every things so beautiful when its simple.I have itchy feet and i need to do something about it because i feel so despondent at the moment and i need to feel fresh, like when you jump into ice cold water in the middle of winter and for the rest of the day have this passion for living and life in general. I feel strange.