Sunday 17 June 2012

There are so many kinds of beautiful

I love the idea that each person has their own idea of beauty. I find it so refreshing. I think that maybe when you're comfortable with yourself, in terms of who you actually are and who you want to become, everything starts to be a little easier. You begin to understand who you are, and realise who you want to be and try to mix it together in a way that satisfies your every desire. Transform yourself into your own idea of beauty.

I think that everyone is just pieces of people they've met along their journeys, i like that people can essentially shape individuals into the person they are today, both in a positive or negative manner. Everybody has the power to change everyone.

For me, i think that beauty is everywhere, where people wouldn't expect, in every day situations. I think people are most beautiful when they are lost in thought, not trying to act a certain way, simply lost deep within themselves. I think thats also why I'm attracted to more reserved people, people who are quiet and have such a strong air of intelligence about them. I imagine that they spend their nights reading classic novels, or drinking red wine, while painting some sort of fantasy world they have invented in the depths of their mind. I like the way that you don't know what they're thinking, i like mystery.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Monday 4 June 2012

shake away my wintery blues

My alarm goes off a 7:00am on a tuesday.
I wake up in a panic, getting angry with myself because College isn't on this week, I could have slept in longer if i had remembered to turn off my alarm!
7:20am I give up trying to sleep because the voices of my family are echoing down the hallway. They're playing with Bella. I dislike them for keeping me awake by their constant need to get attention from the dog.
I am still in bed now, its 7:40am. I don't need to be up until 9:00am, I have a job trial at 12:00 today. but before all that, i will have to do some chores of getting ready.
1. brush teeth
2. Do make-up and hair
3. decide what looks appropriate for the job and get dressed up
4. get my stuff
5. leave the house
I don't like routine so much, sometimes i wish i could do it all backwards, leave the house, get my stuff, get dressed up, do my hair and make-up then brush my teeth. It would be interesting, but it wouldn't work. None of my day dreams ever seem possible.
Its now 7:54am and I had to get out of bed because Liam lost Bella outside. She was found outside my bedroom on the grass. Im not surprised though, all that attention she gets would make anyone want to run away.
My attitude is getting on my nerves, I need to be happy and polite in order to get this job today.
I shall shake away this bad mood by dancing to the jazz tunes i have on my iPod, Jazz music always does the trick, jazz, tea and dancing.

Friday 1 June 2012

a whole bunch of nothings

Lately I have done a copious amount of nothing. I have used the excuse of being ill to sleep all day and avoid College, but now that I'm not so ill anymore i still haven't gotten out of bed. I did go bowling on Thursday, it was so much fun! Everyone was in such high spirits which made it a day i won't forget for a long time. We also got a puppy, we named her Bella after much debating with mum who insisted the name Polly was appropriate. Apart from that I've been drinking tea and watching tv shows. Hopefully i don't feel this despondent much longer. I really don't like feeling this way.