Sunday 27 May 2012

The blues are still blue

The other day I went to the markets with Mum and Dad, it was freezing. 
Today I have enrolled for my new course at College, I'm excited because i managed to fit it into two days! 
In other news, I have Laryngitis! So I am going to watch some more films and rest. 

Thursday 24 May 2012

Jenny and me was like peas and carrots

Sometimes when Im really sad i put on Forrest Gump, there is something about this film that calms my soul and puts everything into perspective once again. I don't know much about anything but it is definitely my favourite film to ever be made.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Velo Project

I had such a mixed day yesterday, it was filled with both good and bad emotions, hopefully thinking back on this day i will only remember the good times and not the bad.
I went to College to hang out with Daniee, Yoel and Lachlan. We were all sitting at our secret spot in the library, with Daniee and Lachlan on a couch and Yoel and I sitting on silver beanbags which make us feel like I'm were on a space mission of some sort. However, we were all kind of falling asleep and quiet, but i don't mind quiet when I'm ill. The highlight of being at College today was when Lachlan was drawing on Daniee while she napped, it was all strange shapes but she didn't feel it which made it all that much funner. I also went to buy hot some chips because they always do wonders on a sore throat. Then Brooke, Lachlans girlfriend, came to visit us and we all decided to do something instead of going to our lectures, so off we went to the shops. However, no good films were showing at the cinema so we decided to go to the beach instead. We went to a cafe' called The Good Bean along the beach, Lachlan was the only one to get something there because I was still feeling pretty ill from my cold, although I was pretty drugged up on medication so it wasn't too bad. Then we went to look at the ocean, the ground was all muddy so we couldn't sit, and it looked as though it was going to rain again but we didn't want to end our adventure just yet so we decided it would be fun to go to this cafe' called, The Velo Project, and oh it was probably the best decision we had ever made! It was the cutest cafe ever! (I will attach photos of the cafe' because my words won't do it justice) Lachlan and Brooke got drinks and Yoel, Daniee and I all drank water because we all are very poor uni students. Anyway, the cafe just played such relaxing music and everything was just oh so wonderful! Then we all went our separate ways, all a little high on life and deep in thoughts. I went home and collapsed into my bed, but i couldn't get out of it because i suddenly lost all my energy. I was also feeling very ill in my stomach all of a sudden and i ended up having a stomach bug and was up most of the night vomiting. It made me think about those people that actually force themselves to vomit for the purpose of loosing weight... Honestly?  I never know when a safe time to eat is after I've been sick so I think ill try some tea later on.
Today i don't have any cravings besides resting in bed with my puppy dog Sydney watching NZ next top model.

Brookes hand while we tells a story 

My beautiful friends walking 

An Underwood Typewriter at The Velo Project

The Velo Project

Brooke, love and photographs

even the water bottle was darling

Such inspiration to grow some amazing flowers 

Brooke walking around the cafe looking for ideas for her cafe she will open when she's older, She is one to watch out for. 

Monday 21 May 2012

I'm in sugar town

Im ill due to a sudden burst of cold weather the last couple of nights, and i had left my fan on high during the night unintentionally, making those nights that little bit colder. So instead of going all the way to college, i am in bed watching Hugh Grant films. I want to get better as soon as i can because i hate being ill, i had forgotten how it felt to be this way and i am not happy to be reminded. My body can't decide if its hot or cold and its awfully annoying. so i have turned on the fan to make it cold so i can snuggle amongst my blankets. Its ironic that i turn on my fan, the main source of my flu!
Also, Lauren, who is my favourite of friends in the whole world, and I, are talking about going to Europe next year for christmas! We are thinking of going to London, Paris, Rome and Italy for about a week each, but we can always extend our trip for longer if we like! I will now need to get a job and practise, practise, practise my french some more. French is a beautiful language, i know a little of french, i am able to understand a little of conversations, both verbal and written so i am so excited! Ive always wanted to go to Europe, more than you could possibly imagine, I'm buzzing from excitement.
Now i shall drink tea and get some rest.

Peut-ĂȘtre il c'est juste moi...

Do you ever listen to a song, and it may not sound like anything great, and maybe not even your style, but you hear them mention your name and you instantly fall in love with it?
Maybe its just me...

Sunday 20 May 2012

click, click, click, click camera.

Today i didn't leave the comfort of my house once. hmm... I'm beginning to get afraid that i will soon loose all my social skills and live further in my head. Which is funny because I now go to a personal trainer, and as we were training he would keep asking if i were okay, and i realised that whenever he asked me that i had zoned out completely and he was bringing me back to earth. He must have asked me about 30 times in the hour session we had. I never realised i day dreamed so much! But as for now, i will probably watch some movies, but before i decide which one I will listen to some music, edit some more photos and chat to my Facebook friends.
'est mon visage, du point de vue de mon appareil photo.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Growing up beside you

I spend a lot of time with my family, and yesterday was no exception. I had a mother daughter afternoon. We took a road trip to Noosa, listening, singing and dancing, to the band Police, it was really lovely. We originally went to visit the prize home, but unfortunately we didn't really find it all that impressive so we took a quick look around and were out of there by 10 minutes. Mum bought two tickets because she feels bad when she doesn't, and she made a joke about how she will probably win the house because she doesn't really like it. Although i wouldn't mind if we won it, i think it would be really interesting to live in Noosa!  We pulled into Aldi on our journey home, we bought a chest of drawers for my bedroom, i had one already but it was pretty outdated and didn't match my room at all! It came in a flat pack so dad and i bonded over making it, which was actually pretty fun because i like making things like that. Afterwards we walked next door to an organic coffee shop called Organika. I love going to organic places, i think i love the music and how everyone is a little alternate and passionate about life. We saw an $8 pineapple and were a little flabbergasted that they could sell something so little for that much! So we proceeded to buy a booked called, Global Gypsy, one of those books filled with darling black and white photos and quotes that make you think about how you're living, and we read it over chai tea, a latte and honey nut slice. It was so good, afterwards we went to a pot shop, mum bought a water fountain, and because we brought my car, a Mazda 2, it was filled to the brim with flat boxes, food and the water fountain. So it was a pretty interesting trip home, driving without a back window is not my favourite way to drive, i treasure that window more than i ever thought i would now! It was such a good day! I like spending time with my Mum. My brother is also in a band, Apollo and the Sun, you should check them out on TripleJ Unearthed, anyway, my darling friend and I went to see them play and we got home so late so now my eyes are playing a constant battle to stay opened. My brother is so talented, he is one of my favourite people in the world! Overall, it was such a wonderful day filled with everything wonderful. 

our honey-nut splice
My latte, with a London spoon!

Global Gypsy, an amazing book.

Buddhist statues

A frog teapot, it was awfully cute, it reminded me a lot of Spirited Away

I never wear jeans, so i thought the occasion needed to be documented. 

My mother looking at a bamboo ladder 

Thursday 17 May 2012

Come with me my love, to the sea, the sea of love.

Everything is falling into place oh so wonderfully. I have spent most of this week in meetings about changing my college course, which is so good, everyone I've spoken to have been so supportive so far and its so encouraging. Im so excited, just thinking about it spreads a huge smile across my face! I only have one more assignment, and two exams left and then I'm off to New Zealand with my wonderful family again. I love New Zealand! Its so beautiful, the air is so crisp and fresh that i always find myself taking in the deepest of breaths to fill my lungs with the air, so my insides match all the magnificent surroundings. We are spending it skiing, I'm not very good but i enjoy it nonetheless. I think that every country i go to, i will save a coin and make it into a charm bracelet, it sounds silly, and probably illegal, but i think it would be great. Wearing it around every day and having a constant reminder of all the places I've been, people I've met and memories I've mad. But for now, my eyes are getting heavy and begging for sleep, hopefully my head will be filled with dreams of my many adventures awaiting me.

Saturday 12 May 2012

My feet are not made for dancing

Today was such a fascinating day! My family and I (minus my little brother, as it is impossible to leave his gaming word for even a small extent of the day) went to see a family friends band play in Eumundi. I love Eumundi on a Saturday, its so full of life and a fun energy is constantly buzzing from the markets stalls that the town hosts every week. I love markets, i love the idea of people selling things that are so unique and special, it really inspires me. The crafts and jewellery that are hand made feels as thought the crafter has spilled all their entire creative essence and life experiences out onto their little pieces of magic, and to buy it is to buy a little part of their soul. Its such a wonderful thing. However, we arrived a little too late to enjoy the markets, i was still able to buy some strawberry incense from a stand i walked by who i secretly think stayed opened that little longer because she knew i would want to buy their sweet smelling sticks. The band we went to see played a lot of Johnny Cash and Bob Marley covers, i personally have a soft spot for both of these beautiful musicians, and oddly enough, a brightly dressed drunken man shared this passion with me. As they played, he emerged from his seat and danced, the music was being lived through him, with his whole body stomping and clapping to the beat, as if his body was held hostage unless he let go of himself entirely. This of course encouraged other people to join in with the madness. A lady i had never met saw the happiness of everyone dancing spread across my face and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. I, being me, felt so awkward that my body froze and i immediately envied the man who's body took control of him, where as I was controlled by my mind, and my mind alone. I went back to my seat soon after and continued to be an onlooker to all the people loosing themselves in the tunes. I don't mind being an onlooker in situations like this, i never have been one to crave attention and i am a sad excuse of a dancer unless the lights are off and no one can see my body move so ungracefully. Afterward, my brother convinced me to try coffee for the first time, he sat me down and brought over a skinny flat white. I was a little nervous because i had always been such a big tea drinker and i felt to drink coffee would be to betray the strong friendship i had developed with tea. I had always had sips of mums take-away coffees that she bought when shopping, but i had never had one to call my own. It was such a buzz, my tongue felt so unfamiliar, nothing like i had ever experience, almost like a layer of numbness had rushed over it in a liquid spill and my tongue absorbing ever last drop of caffeine from my cup. My body is still being filled with such a strange energy hours later. I think that i will invite coffee into my life more often! Its days like today that i live for.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Moon flower

This morning i woke up with the best feeling, as i feel like I've been hidden in a dark closest lately, and today i feel like i was able to break free and see the world for the first time all over again, everything is so beautiful today. The wonderful sun working its way through the cracks of my iron chair on my deck, which i have filled with sweet smelling flowers making the perfect photograph. I feel like here on in is bliss, simple bliss! Life is best when i feel like this. Accompanied by the lovely soft sounding voice of Bec Sandridge playing on repeat through my macbook speakers. I can't think of anywhere else id rather be.

'What is bad now, is bad now only. What is good now,  is good always. we make that choice'

Thursday 3 May 2012

Sedating my wanderlust

Lately I've had this huge unexplainable desire to get a pen pal. Someone from across the globe, like the UK or somewhere interesting like that. Maybe it will settle my itchy feet a little longer until i know what i want to do with my life.